Created Especially for YOU, cHalleNGe Graduates, Families and Friends...

Alooooha! Welcome to our Official 'Ohana Support Site! Yes, it took us a while...but after listening to your calls and personal requests and reading your emails, we have fired up this site as another medium to 'talk stories' as true ohanas do. Our prayer and hope is to have this as a sister site to our offical site to share the up-to-date and latest news on cHalleNGe! Many of You have asked where this Cadet or where that Staff here we are...created primarily for that reason. So, please, pass this link to all Graduates, Families and Friends of cHalleNGe! We Value You! We Are Proud of You! Youth Challenge!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Class 28 Heads Home for Easter!

After 10 Weeks of Training, Class 28 suits up to head home for Easter! A well deserved break! Pick Up will be at 1000 AM. Returning will be 6:00 PM Sunday. Be Safe! We'll see you all back!

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